Coombelands July 2022

We have spent the past two Thursdays at Coombelands. It's so nice to have this lovely show back on the calendar.

The first week I decided to jump Khalissy in the Newcomers, to try and finish getting her clear rounds for next year. Over the years I've had this thought with several horses, but often when they are confident jumping bigger fences they can be a bit casual over a smaller course - Khalissy was keen to point this out over the first fence - but otherwise jumped a lovely round.

Arietta jumped good rounds in both the 1.20 and the 1.30 for a fence in each. She is sometimes a bit spooky to the water tray, but in this case was a bit spooky to the fence after in both rounds.

Cue a very early morning training with Trevor Breen on the following Monday. Ellie and I got up at 4.30 for a 7 o'clock lesson. What a relief to get both horses jumped in the coolest part of what turned out to be a very hot day. Khalissy jumped like a star, and Arietta also improves with every outing. I've generally ridden small and slightly keen horses, who tend to like and need a little bit of pace to give themselves a bit more scope over a fence, so it's taking a huge amount of self-discipline to sit more quietly on Arietta and let her get closer to a fence, rather than launching ourselves at great speed! We have also been keeping the water tray out under a small fence at home to get Arietta more comfortable with it.

We were back to Coombelands on Thursday. Khalissy probably jumped her best round to date to finish 4th in a busy Foxhunter, and Arietta jumped really well in the 1.30 for two poles where I got a bit too enthusiastic. Slowly I am getting my eye back in at this level, and it's all new territory to Arietta. I feel both horses are ready for the Royal International Horse Show at Hickstead now. They will have four days of jumping over the week, so a great opportunity to consolidate the season so far.

Askeaton is currently having three months in the field, rather than struggling to keep her happy and sound, I have decided to turn her away completely to give her the best chance of making a complete recovery physically and mentally. I probably should have done this last year, but having sold Heidi I was too impatient. I should probably be old enough to know better! However, Karen & Claudia Rees have lent her a lovely pony friend and she seems incredibly relaxed and happy.

I feel that the way the horses jumped at Coombelands is a real testament to the fantastic surface there. Good surfaces give the horses real confidence and are a vital contribution to their longevity. The second show was incredibly busy, yet the organising team managed to make it all seem so calm and easy, and the feel good factor at Coombelands along with a great course from Ben Townley, really helps make for a very happy outing.

Many thanks to Ellie Collins for fantastic help as always, and to Saracen Horse Feeds, Protexin Premium Equine, Just Equine Ltd, NDS Equine and MacWet Gloves for their ongoing support.

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